The Conference “RFBR grants for NICA” (20-23 October, 2020)

1st experiment of the NICA project

The Conference “RFBR grants for NICA” (20-23 October, 2020)

The Conference “RFBR grants for NICA” took place at the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics (VBLHEP) of JINR on 20-23 October, 2020. There are 36 projects devoted to the «NICA Complex» megaproject, which are supported by RFBR grants since 2019. The conference offered an excellent opportunity to each grant holder to present a progress report on his project and to outline his plans for further work in the frame of the RFBR grant. Moreover, the conference also included reports from representatives of the VBLHEP Accelerator Department, BM@N, MPD, SPD as well as ongoing experiments in the field of NICA.

Due Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, the conference was held in online format – the RFBR grant holders, their team members and participants outside of the Russian Federation participated remotely via ZOOM. Publications of the Conference proceedings will be published in the journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei”.

The main focus of the conference was on the reports of RFBR grant holders dedicated to project research in one of the following sections:
I. Theoretical studies of the dense baryonic matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at NICA.
II. Big data processing, event reconstruction and particle identification.
III. Global characteristics of heavy-ion collisions at NICA.
IV. Collectivity and correlations (collective flow and vorticity; HBT and correlations).
V. Calorimetry and electromagnetic probes.
VI. Precision tracking and production of light hadrons, strangeness, hypernuclei, and heavy-flavor.
VII. Development of detectors and detection methods for NICA experiments.

Conference website and reports can be found at the following link:

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